
What is Scoliosis?

by bhp • September 19, 2018

Scoliosis is a common spine condition that involves side bending and rotation of the spine. It is a dangerous, painful disorder that contributes to a wide variety of injuries. It is particularly sneaky, however, as it usually develops slowly and gradually. For that reason, it can go undetected for long periods of time. This makes […]

Do you suffer from Text Neck?

by bhp • August 1, 2018

A few months back, we wrote a post about Upper Crossed Syndrome, a disorder wherein the muscles of the upper back and chest tighten and shorten. This disruption of functionality causes an imbalance that leads to a host of painful problems. (If you haven’t read the article, go check it out! It’s a worthwhile read.) […]

Gyrotonic for Tennis and Golf

by bhp • March 21, 2018

The GYROTONIC® method was developed by Juliu Horvath, a professional dancer who suffered from debilitating injuries, as a form of physical healing and a method for regaining and increasing strength and agility. Gyrotonic is a mind-body exercise that combines yoga-like breathing with flowing, circular movements to help increase flexibility, strength, circulation, balance, and coordination. The […]

Stretch to Lengthen the Back and Lateral Body Areas to Improve Posture

by admin • May 20, 2017