
How to Protect Your Back While Traveling
The magic of the holiday season is in the air and with it has come long road trips, lots of air travel, and plenty of stress. With a packed schedule and a never-ending list of to-do’s, it’s important to keep yourself in tip-top shape. Whether taking a road trip to visit the in-laws or flying […]

What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis is a common spine condition that involves side bending and rotation of the spine. It is a dangerous, painful disorder that contributes to a wide variety of injuries. It is particularly sneaky, however, as it usually develops slowly and gradually. For that reason, it can go undetected for long periods of time. This makes […]

Backpacks and Back Pain
Back to school! The time of the year filled with post summer reunions, apples on teachers’ desks, fresh school supplies, ABC’s, and 123’s. With all this excitement, you may miss another, sneakier element of the back to school season that could potentially pose a threat to your children’s health: the overstuffed backpack. According to the […]