Are you planning a pregnancy or struggling to conceive?  Below we outline how Wendy Obstler, certfied Strong Yoga®4Fertility instructor, uses yoga to increase fertility.

Fertility Yoga

At Beverly Hills Posture, Yoga for Fertility is a comprehensive methodology which includes yoga postures, breath work, meditation, and acupressure- all geared towards optimizing fertility naturally.  This unique approach also addresses the emotional components that often accompany the fertility journey, providing stress reduction tools.  The fertility journey itself can often feel like a roller coaster ride that in some cases drags on for years.  This can be both a physically and emotionally fragile time, not to mention the stress it can place on the couple’s relationship and finances.  Wendy strives to help guide those on the fertility journey towards empowerment, pro-activeness, and learning to soften and surrender into the immense intelligence of the body while trusting the process.  The practice itself focuses on improving blood flow and circulation to the lower back (sacral plexus), hips, groin, and pelvis, which can ultimately aid in healthier gynecological function while nourishing the neuroendocrine system.

What’s also great about it is that it’s a safe and complementary practice to any Assisted Reproductive Technologies.  In the 13 years that Wendy has been teaching this work, she is proud to say that she has witness many women and couples’ dreams of having children come true.  You can read more about the practice here!

Already pregnant or just had your baby?  We’ve got you covered too!

Pre and Post Natal Yoga

Integrated into Wendy’s weekly work with those navigating through musculoskeletal issues, she also teaches pre and post natal yoga.  There are numerous studies on pre-natal yoga, showcasing benefits such as decreasing the risk of lower back pain, gestational diabetes, pregnancy induced hypertension, intrauterine growth restriction, and pre-term labor.

Pre-natal yoga can often make the mother’s body feel lighter and increases circulation, stability, and strength (deterring common ailments such as sciatica).  You will even find that you sleep better!

Yoga also helps both mother and baby prepare for labor and delivery, all while keeping stress at bay.  Wendy looks at the approach to labor and delivery as if you were planning to run a marathon.  Most people train for marathons because it is truly necessary for your body to be able to perform at its best.  So why should labor and delivery be any different?  Much of the “training” for labor and delivery is about both the body AND mind, building stamina and learning exercises that sharpen your brain.  You will also learn how to breath through the uncomfortable process.

Additionally, “yoga babies” have a higher APGAR score.  The APGAR is a quick test performed on a baby 1 and 5 minutes after birth. The 1-minute score determines how well the baby tolerated the birthing process and the 5-minute score tells the doctor how well the baby is doing outside the mother’s womb.

Even beyond all these fantastic reasons, pre-natal yoga just feels good!  Wendy had been teaching it for many years before she became pregnant and then got to experience the first hand benefits of it on her ever-changing and growing body. She even had the tools to move through her labor and delivery completely drug-free.

Post-natal yoga that Wendy teaches assists in regaining strength and healing by providing a sense of grounding to help deter bad postural habits that form as you take on the new role as mother, like breast feeding or carrying your baby and the endless gear.  This practice can also be beneficial in helping with some postpartum complications such as diastasis rectic and the “baby blues.”  Not to mention movement towards your pre-baby body.

Call the office to schedule your appointment with Wendy today!