Beverly Hills Posture tailors individualized, comprehensive treatment plans that equip patients and clients with the tools and the knowhow necessary to improve health now and for the long-term. Our goal is not only to eliminate pain, but also to teach you how to train and exercise properly so you can build the muscle strength necessary for continued good health.
Contact Beverly Hills Posture today to explore how we can support you. With better posture and strengthened muscles, you’ll gain more energy, experience pain relief, and improve flexibility and overall health.
Treatments available at Beverly Hills Posture include the following. Take Your First Step to Better Health.

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting and beautiful events in a woman’s life, but it can also take a physical toll on her body. The added weight of the baby coupled with the hormone induced increase in flexibility of the joints and muscles can cause pain in the low back, hips and pelvis, an inability to sit for long periods of time, reduced range of motion, and painful sex. Furthermore, childbirth, whether vaginally or by caesarean, can often result in serious pelvic floor damage such as urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.
In order to avoid these problems, it’s vital that women learn how to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles by practicing some form of preventative rehab such as Pilates and GYROTONIC.® By teaching the mother how to strengthen her core muscles and improve her breathing patterns, Pilates and GYROTONIC® help prepare her both physically and mentally for the challenges of childbirth.
Why Beverly Hills Posture for Prenatal Health and Wellness?
At Beverly HIlls Posture, we believe in the importance of training expectant mothers for the nine month marathon of pregnancy and childbirth. Our teachers are certified in prenatal Pilates and GYROTONIC® and our facility features a full gym as well as three private Pilates rooms. On staff, we also have two physical therapists, an acupuncturist, a massage therapist and Dr. Walker Ozar — a highly trained, respected chiropractor who also happens to be the father of three and has seen first hand, how important pelvic floor training is to a successful, pain free pregnancy.
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